Search Steps

You can have one or multiple search steps. If you have more than one you need to use a classification step to select the right one.

If you only have one or don't have a classification step, the name does not matter as the system will select the first one.


  1. Select New Search Step to create an additional step.

  2. Step Name - Enter the name of the step. If you are using query classification this must match the classification models label.

  3. Search Type - Select the search type from the dropdown.

    • Standard - Uses the standard BM25 Keyword Search.

    • Cosine Similarity - Uses a dense vector and cosine similarity.

    • Rank Feature - Uses a rank feature (sparse vector) search.

  4. AI Model Service - Select the model service that will provide the vectorisation from the dropdown.

    • This is not needed for standard searches.

  5. AI Model Provider - Select the provider that matches the selected search type.

    • Cosine Similarity -> Huggingface Sentence Transformers

    • Rank Feature -> Huggingface Sparse Vector

  6. Model - Select the model for the vectorisation from the drop down.

    • If using a dense vector the dimensions must match.

Search Parameters

  1. Vector - For Cosine Similarity select the right vector that was populated during enrichment.

  2. Bucket Size - If you want to use cosine similarity over larger result sets, configure this between 50 and 500. Some testing will need to be completed to determine the best value.

  3. Rank Feature - For Rank Features select the right rank feature that was populated during enrichment.

Term Matches

  1. Select Add new term matches.

  2. Field - Select the field to match from the dropdown.

  3. Term Matches - Start typing the terms to match it with. You can add multiple terms here.

  4. Select Add

Smart Query String Term Matches

  1. Select Add new term matches.

  2. Field - Select the field to match from the dropdown.

  3. Property Name - Enter the name of the property to match this with.

  4. Property Value - Enter the value within the property that indicates a match.